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Better Life for People

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Together we
can make a Difference

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Give a little. Change a lot.

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Our Mission

To assist the people of North Haiti, specifically the 5th section of Port Margot, with the necessary tools.

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Our Vision

To promote and champion infrastructure, creativity, accessibility, faith, and financial freedom.

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Become A Volunteer

Want to join us in bringing smile and positive change in the lives of people!! You are Welcome any time.

Recent Causes

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

Donate: Sports Ground For Young Kids & Children

Help us create opportunities for children to take part in physical activities to attain health and growth.

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Big Charity: School Project to Educate every Child

Support us in building the future of new generation by giving them education and opportunities to grow.

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Building Clean-Water System for Rural Poor

Play your part in providing the basic necessity of life in the form of clean water to the community.

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Featured Campaigns

Build A Ground for Kids To Play

Join us to build a ground for kids where they can play and involve in physical activities. We strive to provide a constructive and healthy environment for kids in the form of a football ground.

It will help them boost their physical and mental health to perform better in the future. Sports teach us both to fight and work as a team.
Let us help infuse these qualities into our new generation.

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President Message

Roudy Felix is the co-founder and president of Konbit Port Margot. A native of Haiti, he was born and raised in Port Margot. He left his hometown after 9th grade to attend college at the Ecole Professionnelle Saint Esprit in Cap-Haïtien. In 1988, he moved to Freeport, Bahamas, where he lived for 3 years before migrating to Boston, Massachusetts in the United States in 1991. His early work experience included employment in the hospitality and construction industries. Even as he settled into his new life in the United States, Roudy’s devotion for his homeland never waned.

A few years later a return trip to Port Margot would serve as his inspiration in making a difference in the lives of his people. He became motivated to initiate a movement aimed to improve the quality of life in his community.

As a former standout soccer player in Port Margot, Roudy and his partners would initially lend their support to enhance the local soccer league. This mission was so successful that it instilled in him a desire to be of greater service to his people. Today due to Roudy’s dedication and leadership, Konbit Port Margot has expanded its effort to other projects including development of a sports ground, cemetery, and future plans on building and improving roads. His vision for change is fueled by his desire to improve the conditions of the lives of his people, particularly those of the 5th section of Port Margot, Haiti. Roudy currently resides in Brockton, Massachusetts with his wife and three sons. He is an active member of his church, and enjoys traveling.

Meet Our Team

Meet our team of inspirational individuals who are striving to bring
a positive change in the lives of people around us.


Roudy Felix President


George Toussaint Victor( VP)


Amos Desir Secretary


Jacquelin Saintilus Chairman


Anthony Limage Speaker


Joseph Claude International President


Edriss E. Dorcin International


Patricia Compere Assistant Secretary


Adeline Jeudi Assistant


Margarette Telismard Advisor


Hal Alcide Advisor


Brunet Joseph Advisor


Anarose F Petion International Secretary


Daniel Edouard Speaker


Brutus Joseph Advisor

“Charity is a supreme virtue, and the great channel through which the mercy of God is passed on to mankind. It is the virtue that unites men and inspires their noblest efforts.”